Employment Equity

Our firm fully complies with Employment Equity standards, and does so with both confidence and a sense of sincere contribution to the transformation of our local society.

Our firm’s objectives include the following:

  • Promotion of employee diversity
  • Reduction of barriers to the advancement of previously disadvantaged groups
  • Eradicating all forms of harassment

Our people are our biggest asset, and we are committed to providing training to our employees. Such training ensures that we provide them with the best opportunities.
We believe in providing all our staff with equal opportunities for growth, development and advancement. The following initiatives are to be used and will serve as a guideline of the firms Employment Equity Programme:

  • Study loan programme
  • Mentorship programme

The firm believes in an open-door policy and encourages all members of our staff who are still in training or studying towards a degree in law, to approach the director of the firm to assist them in this regard.